Saturday, December 8, 2012

See the Good

I’m tired.  It’s been a busy, hectic week in my life.  In fact, it’s been a busy, hectic year in my life.  But that’s okay because it has been good. 

Have you ever stopped to think about the good in your life?  Last night my lovely lady and I had a date night.  We did a little Christmas shopping and went to dinner at a nice steakhouse.  We wound up waiting for our table for a little over an hour.  Do I regret the hour we spent waiting?  Not for a minute!  We were able to sit next to each other and talk without interruption for an hour straight.  That never happens with three kids, two dogs, nieces, nephews, in-laws, friends, coworkers, church family…you get the idea. 

I was reminded of the good in my life.  As we waited for our table, we talked about favorite Christmas memories.  There were quite a few.  We talked about things coming up in our schedule...things we were going to do to help people.  That was another reminder of the good in my life.  We have the ability to help other people.

This morning, I woke up to the sound of my middle son, Alex, laughing.  He was watching some silly kids’ show on TV.  As I listened to him laugh, I was reminded of the simple joy of loving and being loved.  He saw me and immediately said “Love you, Daddy.”  Sweet words that reminded me of the good in my life.

This time of year gets crazy--going here, buying this, planning that, decorating.  Don’t forget the good in your life.  Don’t let life get in the way of the good things—being with those you love the most, your family and friends.  Don’t get so caught up in the preparations for the holiday season that you forget the point…do good for somebody.  This is the season for giving; it has been since the first Christmas.   

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