Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Helpful Blog. . .

One of the things I struggle with as a preacher and in particular as a man called to the pastorate is finding where I stand on issues that face the church, and my denomination in particular.  Oftentimes, the difficult thing is not finding where I stand, but finding a scriptural basis to where I stand, because I have no desire to build on sinking sand.

One of these issues, that I really find should be more of a non-issue, is the issue of dress standards/

I believe the Bible teaches modesty.  Both men and women should dress modestly to honor the Lord.  I have often struggled with how we (Independent Fundamental Baptists) define "modesty" as women must wear dresses or skirts at all times.  

I'm going to attach a link to a blog that was recently shared with my wife, Laura.  She passed it on to me for my thoughts.  It was an eureka moment.  This blog echoed my thoughts, prayers, studies, and struggles exactly.  It was almost as if Pastor Reagan was eavesdropping on my conversations with the Lord.  

My intent in sharing this is not to pick a fight with anyone or to castigate anyone for their beliefs.  My intent is to make you think about why you believe what you believe as far as dress and modesty goes.  Read this entry with an open mind.  I'm not asking you to change what you believe, I'm asking you to simply consider how others' are struggling with an issue that, in my mind, should be a non-issue. 

I'm not interested in debating anyone, but if you would like to share your views in a positive, constructive way, feel free to do so.

The blog:

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