Saturday, December 8, 2012
A Helpful Blog. . .
One of these issues, that I really find should be more of a non-issue, is the issue of dress standards/
I believe the Bible teaches modesty. Both men and women should dress modestly to honor the Lord. I have often struggled with how we (Independent Fundamental Baptists) define "modesty" as women must wear dresses or skirts at all times.
I'm going to attach a link to a blog that was recently shared with my wife, Laura. She passed it on to me for my thoughts. It was an eureka moment. This blog echoed my thoughts, prayers, studies, and struggles exactly. It was almost as if Pastor Reagan was eavesdropping on my conversations with the Lord.
My intent in sharing this is not to pick a fight with anyone or to castigate anyone for their beliefs. My intent is to make you think about why you believe what you believe as far as dress and modesty goes. Read this entry with an open mind. I'm not asking you to change what you believe, I'm asking you to simply consider how others' are struggling with an issue that, in my mind, should be a non-issue.
I'm not interested in debating anyone, but if you would like to share your views in a positive, constructive way, feel free to do so.
The blog:
See the Good
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Home at Last
We finally arrived home after two and a half hours. The kids enjoyed a nice long nap as I enjoyed a nice long talk with the Lord.
The kids are all with their parents and mine are all home. It's been a good week, but its good to be home.
Day Four, Part Three.
The evening started with the team meetings. Right before team meeting, I asked one of the girls in my group if she was saved. She said no, and when I asked her why not, she said quite flippantly, I don't know.
I did not have liberty to press her. She set by her self during the service on the row in front of our group. She paid quite a bit of attention during the whole service. During the invitation time, she asked if she could go to the altar. I said yes. I grabbed my Bible and followed her.
There was no room at the altar, so I waited until there was room. I knelt down beside her and said "sweetie, why are you here?"
She looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes and burst out crying. I mean sobbing, and gasping for breath. I tried to talk with her for a few more minutes without any success. I realized that I was beyond my skill level in dealing with a broken hearted little girl. So I did the smartest thing I could do. I called for my wife. Laura took this little girl and dealt with her like the daughter she didn't have. She finally got the little girl to calm down enough to say she needed Jesus. There's a new name written down in Glory. Thanks be to God for a godly wife.Day Four, Part Two
Well, it just keeps getting better and better. I was able to lead a little girl in my group to the Lord. I asked her, Are you saved? She said no. I asked her if I could show her and she said yes. We opened a Bible and showed her the Romans Road. She bowed her head and said the sweetest prayer. Suffer Ye the little children. Praise the Lord!
Camp, Day Four
The last several days have been amazing. We have seen at least 12 young people get saved. I've had the great blessing of leading two of my adopted boys to the Lord. I've talked with the third and he doesn't quite get it yet.
I've been talking to each of my kids one by one to see what is happening in their hearts. We've seen some astounding services where God has swooped in like a cool refreshing breeze. Last night was a service that no one in the tabernacle will ever forget.
I am anticipating what the Lord will do tonight. The heat has started rising. Both physically and spiritually. My heart has been broken time and time again for these young people.
Satan, of course, is fighting for control; we fight with the only weapons we have, prayer and scripture. Praise the Lord and shame on the devil.
Day Two
We have had a very good day so far. Lots of good, clean, fun by way of swimming, horseback riding, miniature golf and so much food.
The preaching has been wonderful. In fact, we have had two saved. I was honored to preach the week's first flagpole message.
I have had one little girl thank me repeatedly for bringing them to camp. My adopted boys have told me that I am the best counselor they've ever had.
God is so good.
Camp, Day One, Part One
We arrived after 3.5 hours on the road, 250 "are we there yet's," and one "are we lost, we're lost, aren't we?"
So far the kids are settling in okay. I'm thankful for the nice breeze we have been blessed with.
Oh, I've adopted three more boys for the week.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Our adventure starts with packing. My goodness. I never knew that when a woman goes to summer camp, she takes everything that she could possibly need and then some. See, I've taken road trips with my wife before so I thought I was prepared for her packing craze, but then again, I've never taken her to camp for a week.
For a week, the house has looked like Wal-Mart threw up all over it. The Health and Beauty section threw up on the kitchen table; bedding in the living room, the clothes section everywhere. I honestly didn't know there were so many clothes in my entire house!
It is almost time to get the selected items loaded into our van so that we can go to church and transfer then to the church van.
I'm going to finish my cup of coffee, pray for strength and patience and then start loading up the van. I'm going to be posting on the blog from time to time while we are at camp--if I can get a signal!
I can't wait to see what every one else has packed.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Beseeching the Brethren
Sunday, April 15, 2012
A Call to Action
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Lessons from Vacation. . .
Contrary to popular belief, we survived the week with all of our friendships intact--the kids still want to play with each other, my buddy and I are even closer friends and the ladies are still best friends. I learned a lot of things while on vacation.
1.) If the advice is good for the kids, it's good for me. We had a hot tub on a back porch overlooking a cliff. We warned the kids time and time again not to leave anything hanging over the porch rail as the wind might blow it down onto the drop off below. The kids managed to listen pretty well. One day, we took an excursion into the park and went down to a river bank. Somehow, I managed to soak my socks pretty well. (see more about this particular lesson below). We got home and I thought to lay my jeans and socks out on the porch rail to dry in the sun. About an hour later, I thought to go check on them and I could only find one sock. I back tracked all through the house trying to find that missing sock. Then it hit me. The wind. I went out to the back porch and looked over the rail. Laying there on a large rock was my sock, laid out perfectly. My words came back to my ears. I realized something, all the advice that I give my kids can and should be applied to my life. You know, like "I don't care if everyone else is doing it, you're not going to do it." Just because we get "all grown up" doesn't mean we don't need reminded of this every once in a while. Remember this: if it is important enough for you to warn your children about it a certain danger, it is important enough for you to heed that warning as well.
2.) Rocks may indeed be slippery when wet. As I mentioned in the paragraph above, we took an expedition to the national park and walked a "quiet trail" to a river below. Absolutely beautiful. The mountains, the trees, the river, all were absolutely beautiful. We carefully made our way to the banks of the river. We walked on the banks and then the spirit of adventure took over and my buddy and I began to climb the rather large boulders scattered across the riverbed like a giant tossing a handful of marbles. We did our very best to be careful, but every once in a while we would find a rock that was indeed slippery. We would loose our footing and have to quickly recover our balance and footing before we plunged into the water. Some of us did this better than others. At one point, I slipped and put my foot down into what I thought was a shallow place but wound up soaking my pant leg, socks, and boots up to my ankle. I learned exactly how cold a mountain river can be in March. I was the lucky one, I just got wet up to my ankles, my buddy, he got wet up to his hips. We learned that just because something looks perfectly safe, there may be a hidden danger that you cannot clearly see. I also learned that the old saying "still water runs deep" is quite true.
We did learn a lot. The most important lessons learned came from the eyes our children. As I saw my children take pleasure from the simplest things--throwing rocks into a river; playing a very bad game of pool with their Daddy. I was reminded that those things in life we find the most important--jobs, status, possessions, are nothing compared to those things in life that are the most important--family and friends. Treasure those that mean the most to you.
This week we spent more money than I care to think about on trinkets, souvenirs, food and lodging. However, the investment we made in our relationships will reap dividends for a long time to come. What investments are you making in your relationships?
Saturday, March 3, 2012
On the Open Road
Today I woke up and realized that a trip to the gym would not work in our schedule, so I decided to do something I had been thinking about for awhile…running on the road. So I set off on my run to the Community Park and back. I learned some things about road running that I never expected while running on my nice, comfy treadmill at the gym. I’d like to share them with you:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sibling Rivalry
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Ups and Downs of Foster Care
I often talk about the blessings and joys of being a foster parent, and there are many! But to be honest, there are many trials and burd...

Several people have approached me regarding this proposed amendment to the Kentucky Constitution. Since I am the principal of a private C...
As you may know, several years ago, my family jumped into the world of foster care. For these last years, it’s been babies, babies, toddle...
I pastor a small, independent, Baptist church in south central Kentucky. From the end of March through April, I attempted to meet the fl...