Saturday, February 28, 2015

What's all this talk about a dress?

I have been seeing all these posts talking about a dress and what color it is.  Some of these posts have been very critical of the dress.  Some of them have been very opinionated about this dress.    I am starting to be concerned about the amount of attention that is being shown to this dress.  Let me ask you this question:  have you considered the dress’s feelings? 

How dare we label this dress as a color?  Does it really matter what color it is?  If it is blue or brown or purple or whatever…does it really matter?  Why do we have to define the dress as a color?  Who are we to objectify this dress as merely a color?  Why is it that the first thing we see about this dress is is its color?  No one comments on the material that makes up the dress or upon the touch of the Designer’s hands on this dress.  It’s all about the color.  For shame!

Furthermore, has anyone asked this “dress” if it self-identifies as a dress?  Perhaps the “dress” self-identifies as a pants suit, or a leisure suit, or a tuxedo, or perhaps a pair of blue jeans—I am so sorry, jeans.  Why do we feel like it is okay to typify this “dress” as a dress because it just happens to look like a dress?  We should feel terrible about the mental and emotional pain we have subjected this “dress” to because it just happens to look like a dress.

Isn't it time to stop the bullying?  This poor “dress” does not deserve to be the talk of social media, the nightly news, or anyone for that matter.  Can’t we just let the “dress” be?  Can’t we all just get along and leave our opinions to ourselves?  Oh, we are entitled to an opinion, but wouldn’t it be best for the “dress” if we just left those opinions to ourselves?  Hmm?  I think so. 

I have a solution.  If we must know what color the dress is, and even if it was meant to be a dress, we should ask the Designer.  The Designer of the dress will give us the final answer.  Surely the Designer would be willing to step up and answer the question.  Maybe we should just ask the Designer all the important questions we have.  Wouldn’t that be much simpler than having all these arguments about a dress?  

Yes, that was intended to be sarcastic and satirical.  But the question stands.  If you have basic questions about yourself, why don't you have a good long talk with our Designer and Creator?  He will give you the answers you are looking for.  But Tom, you say, I don't believe that we were created by God.  Just as that dress had a designer and a seamstress, you and I have a Creator.  And He is waiting to talk with you and me.  Can I encourage you to start a meaningful conversation with Him today?   He will listen and provide the answers you are searching for.  

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