As a pastor, you get many types of phone calls. Missionaries wanted to schedule a time to
present their burden for their mission field.
Other preachers wanted advice or to commiserate. Church members needing a listening ear. People needing help. People needing comfort. Letting me know that their loved one is in
the hospital or perhaps has passed away.
Many types of phone calls.
Last night, I got home from the Wednesday evening service
and got a phone call that I was not expecting. It started like this: “Pastor, it appears
someone broke into the building.” Excuse
me? What did you just say? On
the back side of our fellowship hall, we have a small room for visiting preachers
to stay in while they are with us. It is
just big enough for a family to sleep in.
There’s a bathroom and a room with a washer and dryer. Nothing fancy. Someone broke into that room.
I immediately went back to the church. The police were already there. Thankfully there was not any damage to the building. I looked through the room and realized there
was very little missing. There wasn’t
anything of real value in that room to start with.
Here’s what was taken:
A blanket, two pillows, soap, shampoo, detergent, fabric softener,
towels, wash cloths, and a trashcan.
That’s it. Things that someone who
was perhaps homeless or in need would have wanted to take.
I didn’t get angry. I
didn’t get upset. I was heart-broken for
this person. Here’s the sad truth: if that person had come in the church and sat
and talked with me, explained their situation, and asked for help, I would have
given them those things that they needed.
Not because of who I am, but because of Jesus. That’s what He would have done.
It was a restless night to be sure. Early this morning, I got up, went to the
store, and bought a new lock for that room.
I installed it and I spent some time cleaning up the room. I also spent some time praying. Praying for this person. I finally forgave them. In my heart, I’m hoping that this person was helped
by the towels, soap and other things that were taken. I prayed for their soul. Hopefully they know Jesus. There were a handful of Gospel tracts missing
as well. If they don’t know Jesus, I
hope they meet Him through that literature.
I’m not going to focus on what was taken. Instead, I’m going
to focus on what wasn’t taken. Our
peace. Our peace is in Jesus, not in
buildings. No one can take that. Our commitment to the ministry is still
intact. We may have been shaken, but we
aren’t giving up. Our desire to help the less fortunate hasn’t
been taken. Yes, this hurt. Just like when someone apparently didn’t like
the food in our food box, so they decided to decorate the playground with food.
But we are still going to try to be a blessing to folks.
We’ve learned some things through this, and I’m sure we’ll
learn some more as the days go on. My prayer
isn’t that the person responsible is caught or punished, my prayer is that they
would get the help they need. Would you
pray with us?