Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Moms. . .

When you think of moms, you probably have a lot of different thoughts.  Maybe it’s that favorite dish of yours that mom made you.  Maybe it was some wise words of advice that she shared with you.  Or perhaps, an inside joke that only you and her would get.  When you think of your mom, do you think of that knock down drag out fight that you all had? 

Me?  When I think of my Mom, I think of missed opportunities.  You see, my Mom died when my oldest son was just a baby.  He’s 16 now, so Mom’s been gone about 15 years.  I think of things that Mom would have love to have been a part of.  The birth of my younger two sons.  Seeing them start school.  Watching them in 4H.  Watching them grow into fine young men.

I think of all the times I should have listened to her, but thought I knew better.  I think about those times I thought about calling her, but didn’t.  I think of the times that I thought about going home and visiting for a while, but was just too busy at the time.  Missed opportunities. 

Today would have been Mom’s birthday.  I can’t send her a card, buy her a gift, or even call her on the phone so I sit here and think of missed opportunities. 

Do me a favor, would you?  Go see your mom.  Call her.  Take her to lunch.  Learn from her experiences.  Absorb her wisdom.  Because one day, all you may be able to do is think of missed opportunities.  

The Ups and Downs of Foster Care

  I often talk about the blessings and joys of being a foster parent, and there are many!   But to be honest, there are many trials and burd...