Saturday, June 30, 2012

Home at Last

We finally arrived home after two and a half hours.  The kids enjoyed a nice long nap as I enjoyed a nice long talk with the Lord.  

The kids are all with their parents and mine are all home.  It's been a good week, but its good to be home. 

Day Four, Part Three.

The evening started with the team meetings.   Right before team meeting, I asked one of the girls in my group if she was saved.  She said no, and when I asked her why not, she said quite flippantly, I don't know. 

I did not have liberty to press her.  She set by her self during the service on the row in front of our group.  She paid quite a bit of attention during the whole service.  During the invitation time, she asked if she could go to the altar.  I said yes.   I grabbed my Bible and followed her. 

There was no room at the altar, so I waited until there was room.  I knelt down beside her and said "sweetie, why are you here?"

She looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes and burst out crying. I mean sobbing, and gasping for breath. I tried to talk with her for a few more minutes without any success. I realized that I was beyond my skill level in dealing with a broken hearted little girl. So I did the smartest thing I could do. I called for my wife. Laura took this little girl and dealt with her like the daughter she didn't have. She finally got the little girl to calm down enough to say she needed Jesus. There's a new name written down in Glory. Thanks be to God for a godly wife.

Day Four, Part Two

Well, it just keeps getting better and better.  I was able to lead a little girl in my group to the Lord.  I asked her, Are you saved?  She said no.  I asked her if I could show her and she said yes.  We opened a Bible and showed her the Romans Road. She bowed her head and said the sweetest prayer.  Suffer Ye the little children.  Praise the Lord!  

Camp, Day Four

The last several days have been amazing.  We have seen at least 12 young people get saved.  I've had the great blessing of leading two of my adopted boys to the Lord.   I've talked with the third and he doesn't quite get it yet.  

I've been talking to each of my kids one by one to see what is happening in their hearts. We've seen some astounding services where God has swooped in like a cool refreshing breeze.  Last night was a service that no one in the tabernacle will ever forget. 

I am anticipating what the Lord will do tonight.  The heat has started rising.   Both physically and spiritually. My heart has been broken time and time again for these young people. 

Satan, of course, is fighting for control; we fight with the only weapons we have, prayer and scripture.  Praise the Lord and shame on the devil. 

Day Two

We have had a very good day so far.  Lots of good, clean, fun by way of swimming, horseback riding, miniature golf and so much food. 

The preaching has been wonderful.  In fact, we have had two saved.  I was honored to preach the week's first flagpole message.  

I have had one little girl thank me repeatedly for bringing them to camp.    My adopted boys have told me that I am the best counselor they've ever had. 

God is so good.  

Camp, Day One, Part One

We arrived after 3.5 hours on the road, 250 "are we there yet's," and one "are we lost, we're lost, aren't we?"

So far the kids are settling in okay. I'm thankful for the nice breeze we have  been blessed with.  

Oh, I've adopted three more boys for the week. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

For some unknown reason, I decided that it would be a great idea for my wife and I to take a group of kids from our church to summer camp for a week.  We worked for months getting kids interested enough to want us to come to talk to their parents.  After three visits to each home, we have seven young people (ages 7-12) going to camp with us.

Our adventure starts with packing.  My goodness.  I never knew that when a woman goes to summer camp, she takes everything that she could possibly need and then some.  See, I've taken road trips with my wife before so I thought I was prepared for her packing craze, but then again, I've never taken her to camp for a week.

For a week, the house has looked like Wal-Mart threw up all over it.  The Health and Beauty section threw up on the kitchen table; bedding in the living room, the clothes section everywhere.  I honestly didn't know there were so many clothes in my entire house!

It is almost time to get the selected items loaded into our van so that we can go to church and transfer then to the church van.

I'm going to finish my cup of coffee, pray for strength and patience and then start loading up the van.  I'm going to be posting on the blog from time to time while we are at camp--if I can get a signal!

I can't wait to see what every one else has packed.

The Ups and Downs of Foster Care

  I often talk about the blessings and joys of being a foster parent, and there are many!   But to be honest, there are many trials and burd...