Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I have decided to do something a little different with today's post.  Depending on how this works, I may do so again.  I've posted a link to a sermon that I preached last week.  Take a few minutes (About  35, actually) and give a listen.  If you can't get to it, let me know.  Click the link below, click File, Download, Download Anyway and click Okay. Let me know your thoughts. 

Sibling Rivalry

Sunday, February 12, 2012


This weekend has been focused around commitment.  Friday night, our church held our 15th annual Purity Banquet.  What’s a Purity Banquet?  It’s a time that we set aside for our young people.  At this banquet, they make a promise to the Lord and to their parents to be a virgin on their wedding day.  We call this the Commitment ceremony.  The first year, they are given a ring that says “Love Waits” and each following year, they are given a key as a token of their commitment.  This is always a beautiful service because we are celebrating new commitments and remembering old commitments.  

Saturday afternoon, I was in Lewisburg, Tennessee at the ordination service of my good friend.  If you haven’t ever seen an ordination service, it is a very special time in a preacher’s life.  The first part of the service was private.  The ordination council (comprised of other ordained preachers, pastors, evangelist, etc) examines the candidate on their testimony of salvation, calling into the ministry, beliefs, and really anything that could impact their effectiveness as a minister.  This council (as several others I have sat on), developed a theme of commitment.   How committed is the candidate to his calling?  How committed is the candidate to his Lord?  How committed is the candidate to the people he serves?  

My youngest son has been quite sick for a week or so now.  Seth has asthma so anytime he develops a cold; it winds up in his chest causing complications with his asthma.  I have seen my wife tirelessly care for my son.  Caring for his asthma and cold related issues usually involves regular breathing treatments with a nebulizer and a bevy of medications, antibiotics and whatever else the doctor can throw at it.  For the past several days, Laura has been up every four hours during the night administering these breathing treatments.  When Seth sleeps, she sleeps; albeit, she sleeps with one ear open waiting for the coughing attacks to begin again.    As soon as he coughs, she springs out of bed to check on him.  That’s commitment.  Laura has worn herself out caring for that child.  Why? Because she is committed to his welfare.  

Valentine’s Day is coming up fast.  Let me challenge you guys with something.  Don’t give your sweetheart roses or candy.  Give her commitment.  Husbands reexamine your love for your wife and recommit to her.  Take time to make sure she knows that your commitment is stronger than ever.
As we examine our earthly relationships for commitment, take a moment to examine your relationship with the Heavenly Father.  Recommit to Him.  Spend time talking with Him about your commitment to Him. 

If we asked the question “What’s the biggest problem in your relationships” I believe both women and the Lord would say “Commitment.” 

Let’s commit to something today, shall we? 

The Ups and Downs of Foster Care

  I often talk about the blessings and joys of being a foster parent, and there are many!   But to be honest, there are many trials and burd...