Sunday, October 30, 2011

Driving by Faith

The last several months, I've been teaching the book of Proverbs to my Sunday School class. This class is the Junior boys and girls (ages 7-12). One of the illustrations I've used several times is that of a GPS. Early in Proverbs chapter 3, we are told that God will guide our steps and I have compared this guidance to that of the GPS.

Recently, I was able to live this illustration. We were on our way home from Iowa where we had visited my family for a few short days. The city of Evansville, IN was just about upon us. I knew we would be hitting Evansville about the end of the business day and would get stuck in traffic. As we drove, the GPS began giving me strange directions. I knew these directions were wrong. I absolutely knew the best and quickest way was to go on the bypass around Evansville.

I made a decision to follow the GPS' directions. My oldest sister was in a different car and texted my wife and asked if we had gotten on 41. Highway 41 was bumper to bumper. I was thankful that I choose to follow the GPS.

We continued driving past the roads I was familiar with. I had traveled this way many, many times before. Laura looked over at me and asked if I knew where we were. I had to admit that I did not.

As the sun begin to set, we were treated to the most beautiful country scenery I had ever seen. The leaves on the trees had begun to change colors. The fields were ready for the harvest. I was mesmerized by the beauty of God's nature.

We continued driving and I was getting a bit worried as the roads we were traveling were taking us deeper into the Indiana countryside. I was beginning to second guess my decision to follow the GPS.

The voice from the GPS told me to make a left turn, and I did. The sight that we beheld was amazing. A beautiful old fashioned bridge covered in lights was stretching across the Ohio River into Kentucky. On the left hand side of the sky was an amazing rosy glow (the Northern Lights) and on the right hand side of the sky a glorious sunset.

Little did I know that the Northern Lights would be visible in Kentucky on this day. Little did I know that beautiful bridge was there. Little did I know that the sunset would be spectacular. All I did know was that I made a choice to follow the GPS. I made a choice to drive by faith.

Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Live your life by faith and see what beauty the Lord may have in store for you. It will be worth the trip.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Musings. . .

Hi! My name is Tom. I've had this blog open for a while and haven't really made use of it. I've decided to use it to share some of my musings on life. Be warned, I'm a Christian so my musings will have a Christian bent. I'm also a preacher, so they made sound a little bit like, well, preaching. But hey, it's my blog, right?

I hope you enjoy my musings and perhaps they will spawn some musing of your own.

Voting for Amendment 2 on the Kentucky Ballot?

  Several people have approached me regarding this proposed amendment to the Kentucky Constitution.  Since I am the principal of a private C...